Think about changes you can make at work - Most companies are now thinking more about their sustainability, so this is a brilliant opportunity to push for changes.Turn off/down that central heating - Can you just throw a jumper on? We are coming into spring now, have you adjusted your thermostats, or not yet got round to it? An easy change that saves you money and energy.Reduce your meat consumption - SUPER EASY!! Only eat meat at weekends, or how about establishing 'veggie Monday' in your household? Not only will the planet thank you the cows will too.With Governments, quite simply not doing enough, it is great to see private companies are starting to be those who will take up the mantle and impact the bigger ticket issues- BUT we are able to make personal changes too that can drive the status of changes from a trickle to a torrent.ĥ small things that can make a big difference, here are the 5 things I have been doing that I thought I would share and hopefully encourage you to think about. I am therefore using today to think about how I can encourage at least one person to think more about the impact of their lifestyles on the planet, if I can do that, I will consider that a job well done. It is World Earth Day today I am not usually one for posting about a 'day' but I am determined to continue to challenge my footprint to ensure that the small differences I make become bigger ones.